Friday, May 18, 2007

Second-hand Swearing

[Original Post 9/22/05]

If you're reading this, you probably know me, and so you will believe my assertion:

I don't swear. I don't use vulgarity.

It may be hard for some people to believe, but I don't even think those words.

Well, actually -- that used to be true. Unfortunately, it's not anymore.

The change? For the past 16 months I've been working in an environment where several of the influential people use "blue" language frequently.

"F-word" and "s-word" get said so frequently that I have, unfortunately, found myself reacting to negative situations by having those words pop into my head. They haven't made it through my filter to pop out of my mouth yet, and I hope I can keep the filter intact, but it's frustrating to me that my brain has been infected in this way.

Sigh. I guess I will just have to deal with it.


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