Friday, May 18, 2007

Things I Miss

[Original Post 1/12/07]

Things I miss:

  • Lucas driving home from work with me.
  • Leah playing catch with me while I grill.
  • Sarah's "Hi, Daddy."
  • Adam's smirk.
  • An anniversary get-away with Sherry.
  • Basketball tournaments.
  • The pace of Christmas vacation, 2006.
  • Being able to eat anything, any time, in any amount.
  • Decorah - the good parts.
  • Potato Lake - ditto.
  • Friday golfing with Dad.
  • Mom's chicken & rice.
  • Getting absorbed in D&D.
  • Collecting comics, and caring so much.
  • ... things better left unsaid.

I am blessed to have had them. And I'm doubly blessed because I can still have some of them again.

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